The annual ritual of setting New Year's resolutions leaves us feeling hopeful and determined. Yet many well-intentioned goals fade away within weeks—or even days. I’ve personally experienced the disappointment when a resolution crumbles. Did you know, according to Time Magazine, 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by February?
Most resolutions focus on "fixing" flaws or striving for an idealised version of ourselves. Common resolutions include exercising more, losing weight, quitting bad habits, and getting organised. But what if the key to lasting change isn’t drastic resolutions, but cultivating a deeper understanding of ourselves? Shifting our focus from resolutions to intentions can help create sustainable change that goes beyond temporary fixes.
Yoga teaches us that the journey isn’t about fixing something "broken." Instead, it encourages us to embrace our wholeness, with lasting change coming from within. Just as yoga strengthens the body and mind, setting intentions builds inner strength and resilience.
The eight limbs of yoga, outlined in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, provide a holistic framework for living harmoniously. The physical practice (asanas) that most associate with yoga is just one aspect. Two key principles, in particular, can be transformative when setting meaningful intentions:
Svadhyaya (Self-study): This principle encourages introspection. When setting intentions, take time to reflect on your values, motivations, and potential obstacles. Understanding these elements guides you toward goals that align with your true self.
Tapas (Discipline): Tapas emphasizes consistent effort toward your goals, even through challenges. It’s about nurturing your inner strength and practicing discipline with self-compassion.
Here are a few ways to integrate these principles into your intention-setting process:
Set Realistic, Achievable Goals: Break down larger goals into smaller, manageable steps. I track my progress with a colorful habit tracker—it makes the journey fun and keeps me motivated! Experiment with journaling, a vision board, or even a spreadsheet ! Find what works for you.
Practice Self-Compassion: Be gentle with yourself during the process. Celebrate small victories, and when setbacks arise, see them as opportunities for growth. Remember, setbacks are temporary, and progress isn’t always linear. If you wobble in a yoga pose, embrace it; if you fall, simply get back up.
Incorporate Mindfulness: Observe your thoughts and feelings without judgment. A few minutes of deep breathing or a short meditation in the morning can help center your mind.
Find a Yoga Practice That Resonates with You: Yoga offers various styles with unique benefits. Explore different practices to discover what brings you peace and joy. If you're new to yoga or want to deepen your practice, consider joining my "Explore Yoga" Beginner's Course starting January 7th, or visit one of my weekly classes near Brockwell Park.
By embracing yoga’s principles and focusing on meaningful intentions, you can embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery. You can begin creating a life that reflects your values—one that lasts far beyond the fleeting excitement of a New Year’s resolution.
Remember, self-discovery is an ongoing journey. Trust yourself, embrace the process!
If you’d like to dive deeper into Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, I highly recommend Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by B.K.S. Iyengar.
Connect with me @JOOY_YOGA. I’d love to hear your intentions for 2025.
Joy Tareesut, Founder at JOOY YOGA