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Managing Your Menopause – Your body, your choice!

Jacqui Sechiari

Do you want to have control over your menopause symptoms? Then read on!

This month we’re excited to share expert advice from Women’s Health & Fitness Coach, Jacqui Sechiari on how to navigate your menopause with confidence. A certified menopause specialist, Jacqui has a wealth of knowledge and experience to help women as they transition through this period in life.

Jacqui Sechiari (Health & Fitness and Certified Menopause Coach and author of your PM Manual)
Jacqui Sechiari (Health & Fitness and Certified Menopause Coach and author of your PM Manual)

Menopause seems to be all over the news now, ever since Davina McCall’s documentary in 2021. And everyone has jumped on the bandwagon. Everywhere you look there are creams, supplements, magic pills that can ‘supposedly’ eradicate your menopause symptoms (for a large sum of money!).

But we are all different. Each woman will have different symptoms at different stages of their menopause journey. So, you can’t just ask your girlfriends what they are doing and do the same. The best thing you can do is listen to your body and do what’s best for you. Use the word MANAGE and apply it to you.

Mindset. Menopause is not something to fear. It is a natural process that every woman will go through. It doesn’t make you weaker, less able, or less attractive. Things will just be different, just like when you went through puberty. Being prepared and accepting the changes is one of the best approaches you can have. Be kind to yourself.

Advocate. You need to advocate for yourself. You need to take control. You need to be in charge of how this journey affects you because no one will do it for you. I call it putting your big girl pants on!

No. Women spend so much of their time doing things for others. We are busy. Learning to say ‘no’ during this time can be one of the best ways you can help yourself. You need to make you and your health a priority, then you can be in the strongest place possible to deal with whatever comes your way.

Ask. Many women during this time say they feel alone. Please don’t be one of them. You must ask questions. You must do some research. Ask a menopause fitness professional, ask a GP who has experience in menopause. Find a Menopause Café in your area and talk to others and ask questions. Just don’t suffer in silence.

Goals. This is a great time to reassess your life and ask yourself what you want. Do you want to spend more time with family and friends, travel more, become physically stronger, learn a new skill? Once you know your goals, pursue them. Be the driver, not the passenger.

Exercise. The fitness industry and media has tended to market exercise as a reason to look good and lose weight. This has made many women feel that exercise is either a form of punishment to burn off what you have eaten or a way of earning food. And this is so wrong. Now, more than ever, exercise is paramount as we age and adjust to our new hormonal environment. We need to exercise for our health, both physical and mental. Moving your body in a way that you love will help with your mood, energy, sleep and overall well-being. Find a way to move that you enjoy and do it CONSISTENTLY.

Need help managing your menopause? Jacqui offers women a free 30 min consultation for 1:1 personal training and coaching. Visit her website to find out more today.

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